VIDEO: Candidate for CA Governor Brian Dahle: “California is now basically a dictatorship.” | Interview

Check out our new video interview where we sat down with California State Senator Brian Dahle, who’s challenging the incumbent Governor Gavin Newsom in the upcoming gubernatorial election next week. During our interview, we had a chance to discuss some of the most pressing questions that California is facing right now, submitted by our viewers. Inflation, crime, homelessness, drought, immigration and freedom of choice were some of the hot-button issues covered. If there are any other questions that concern you as a Californian, please drop them in the comments under this video on YouTube!


Due to the heavy YouTube censorship of certain topics, we were not able to publish the entire interview there — if you’d like to see the full version of it, please check it out on our Rumble channel.

Watch the highlights from the heated debate between Senator Brian Dahle and the incumbent Governor Gavin Newsom here.

California Election Day is November 8th. Registered voters are able to cast their vote either in-person or by a mail-in ballot. All vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before 8:00 p.m. on November 8, and received by November 15, 2022. If you just relocated to California and haven’t registered to vote yet, you can come into one of the polling stations, provide your information and cast a provisional ballot through same-day voter registration. Every voter can check their registration status and find the nearest polling place on the California Secretary of State website.


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