Is remdesivir a promise in coronavirus treatment?

On Wednesday, the world has rocked yet again over another promise of coronavirus treatment. The drug that gained the spotlight this time is called remdesivir, a product of a US biotechnology company Gilead. It was previously used as a treatment for the Ebola virus and also showed promising results in treating the previous two diseases […]

Building digital society from scratch. Is e-government our future?

Estonia is a small post-Soviet country of about 1.3 million people, located in Northern Europe. However, it’s famous not for its size or population. Being called “the most advanced digital society in the world,” it now runs 99% of all government services online, becoming the first e-government country on the planet. In 2014, Estonia introduced e-residency — […]

Police reform in Utah: What does it look like?

Since the murder of George Floyd, Utah has seen a number of protests asking for police reform. The Salt Lake City Police Department has responded by enacting the ban of chokeholds and tear gas on crowds. Officers were never taught these tactics, said Chief of Police Mike Brown; however, the policy has not explicitly prohibited […]

BREAKING: House Oversight Committee reveals how Biden received “laundered” money from China and others

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability continues the investigation into President Biden’s family dealings as more details about his alleged involvement with the US adversaries emerge. According to the Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), so far at least $240,000 of payments that landed in Joe Biden’s personal bank accounts have been uncovered based on the […]