VIDEO: Why the US celebrates Belarus Freedom Day?

Freedom Day is an unofficial holiday annually celebrated by Belarusians worldwide on March 25th, commemorating the declaration of independence by the Belarusian Democratic Republic in 1918. After over 100 years, it’s banned in the modern-day Republic of Belarus but still remains widely celebrated by Belarusians in the country and abroad, commemorating the nation’s continued fight […]

Life after COVID: what to expect?

Life after COVID. How will our world look like? Will it ever be the same, or should it be, anyway? To find out, we spoke to Bradley Tusk, an American businessman, venture capitalist, philanthropist, writer, as well as former deputy governor of Illinois and first political advisor for Uber. Check out our video to find […]

Police reform in Utah: What does it look like?

Since the murder of George Floyd, Utah has seen a number of protests asking for police reform. The Salt Lake City Police Department has responded by enacting the ban of chokeholds and tear gas on crowds. Officers were never taught these tactics, said Chief of Police Mike Brown; however, the policy has not explicitly prohibited […]