Married during coronavirus: What’s the prognosis?

Since countries across the world went into lockdown, stories of couples getting married during coronavirus have become more and more popular. In response, city and county clerks have adjusted the standard way of obtaining a marriage license. For example, New York City started Project Cupid. Here, requesting a marriage license can be done online. The […]

No place like New York for… Everything.

One of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet, a trip to New York – whether for the first or four-hundredth time – is always worth considering. After spending some time in “The Big Apple,” here are some of our favorite finds. The vibe is all about hustle-and-bustle, high-energy, and you can feel the […]

Police reform in Utah: What does it look like?

Since the murder of George Floyd, Utah has seen a number of protests asking for police reform. The Salt Lake City Police Department has responded by enacting the ban of chokeholds and tear gas on crowds. Officers were never taught these tactics, said Chief of Police Mike Brown; however, the policy has not explicitly prohibited […]

Recent graduate nurses, “Ready or not?”

On March 23, the University of Nevada-Reno (UNR) officially moved all its classes online, including clinical hours at the hospitals. Not only were the hours cut, but the program itself was accelerated for the graduating class of 2020. We spoke to several recent graduate nurses to find out whether they feel ready to enter the workforce […]

San Francisco adopts the Resolution in support of Belarus

On September 1, San Francisco joined the national agenda and became the first U.S. city to adopt the Resolution in support of Belarus on a local level. Sponsored by Supervisor Aaron Peskin, the Resolution was unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors. The Resolution condemns the arrests of peaceful Protesters in Belarus and declares solidarity […]