What it’s like to live as a high-risk individual during COVID-19

Kaidence Stephenson is 13 years old. She received her first heart transplant in her first year of life. Her second heart transplant came just five years later. Despite her young age, Kaidence Stephenson has been officially considered a high-risk individual during the COVID-19 pandemic. “[My daughter] absolutely understands the seriousness of what is going on […]

Married during coronavirus: What’s the prognosis?

Since countries across the world went into lockdown, stories of couples getting married during coronavirus have become more and more popular. In response, city and county clerks have adjusted the standard way of obtaining a marriage license. For example, New York City started Project Cupid. Here, requesting a marriage license can be done online. The […]

Will remote learning continue? Plans for Utah’s next school year

Students, parents and teachers face a realm of uncertainty when looking at the upcoming school year and the possibility of remote learning as cases in Utah remain consistent. Gov. Gary Herbert and state superintendent Syd Dickson announced on April 14 a three-phase plan for public schools. The phases include addressing the essentials, bridging the learning […]