Edwardsville man gets 20 years for nude photos of toddler

Tyler S. Seibold, 31, of Edwardsville, Illinois, has been sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for production of child pornography, according to U.S. Attorney Steven D. Weinhoeft. U.S. District Court Judge Staci M. Yandle handed down the sentence after Seibold pleaded guilty to a two-count indictment in March 2019. There was no plea agreement […]

Metro East Woman Sentenced for Falsifying Records in Bankruptcy

May 17, 2019 – Dehavalon R. Cook, 46, of Fairview Heights, Illinois, has been sentenced to three years probation for falsifying records in a bankruptcy proceeding, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, Steven D. Weinhoeft, announced today. Cook previously pleaded guilty to the charge on January 29, 2019. Court documents show […]

Five People Charged with Forced Labor Conspiracy Involving Trafficking of Victims from Georgia to Work on Wisconsin Farms

United States Attorney Matthew D. Krueger of the Eastern District of Wisconsin announced today that five people were indicted for conspiracy to commit forced labor, labor trafficking, and five additional labor-related offenses. The defendants are alleged to have trafficked the victims from Georgia to Wisconsin to work on farms located in the Eastern District of […]

2 dead, 4 wounded in city shootings

Two people were killed and four others were wounded in city shootings Tuesday and early Wednesday, Chicago police said. A 24-year-old man was shot twice in the chest and twice in the arm around 11:55 p.m. Tuesday when someone in a four-door dark vehicle fired shots at him in the 1700 block of West 85th […]

2 bodies found in North Side garage

Two bodies were found in a garage on the city’s North Side Tuesday, according to officials. Police were called to a garage in the 4100 block of North Mozart Street in the Albany Park neighborhood around 4 p.m. Tuesday. Police said a man and a woman, both believed to be in their 30s, were found […]