Gas stations: how to protect yourself from COVID-19

As more states begin to open up, local governments introduce more conditions for businesses to follow, including allowing half of the occupancy rate for buildings, mandatory masks, and constant cleaning practices. Despite the newly established practices, COVID-19 cases are still on the rise, leaving citizens and authorities anxious for the answers. With most of the […]

Recent graduate nurses, “Ready or not?”

On March 23, the University of Nevada-Reno (UNR) officially moved all its classes online, including clinical hours at the hospitals. Not only were the hours cut, but the program itself was accelerated for the graduating class of 2020. We spoke to several recent graduate nurses to find out whether they feel ready to enter the workforce […]

Undocumented in a pandemic

With an increase of COVID-19 cases across the US, a mixture of fear and disbelief has circulated in the communities. Many people, including immigrants, are confused with contradicting COVID-19 messages, and whether the severity of the pandemic is real.  For undocumented immigrants, finding a clinic is not as simple and often means searching through word […]

What’s it really like to be in “phase one,” in Reno, NV

With Nevada in phase one of reopening, businesses have begun to open their doors once again, while following the guidelines they have been given, including staff wearing mandatory masks and gloves, and plastic shields wherever feasible. What is Phase One?   Governor Sisolak’s phase one includes hair salons, barbershops, retail stores, brewpubs, and restaurants that can open […]