“Free Navalny!” | San Francisco joined global anti-Putin rallies

Alexei Navalny, Russia’s opposition leader and prominent critic of Putin, was arrested on January 17, shortly after his flight landed in Moscow. Navalny spent five months in Germany undergoing treatment after poisoning with Novichok nerve agent, allegedly carried out by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denied FSB’s involvement in […]

The Belarus Democracy Act is heading to the Senate

As Belarusian protests continue for the 129th day since the widely disputed August 9th presidential election, the bill HR 8438 (more commonly known as the Belarus Democracy Act of 2020) is making its way to the Senate after the House of Representatives passed it on November 18th. To raise awareness of the importance of this […]

San Francisco adopts the Resolution in support of Belarus

On September 1, San Francisco joined the national agenda and became the first U.S. city to adopt the Resolution in support of Belarus on a local level. Sponsored by Supervisor Aaron Peskin, the Resolution was unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors. The Resolution condemns the arrests of peaceful Protesters in Belarus and declares solidarity […]

The world lights up for Belarus. Will San Francisco join?

As Belarusians passed the 16th day of protests amid the rigged presidential election and brutal violence against peaceful demonstrations, solidarity events continue happening all over the world in support of the Belarusian nation’s fight for freedom and democracy. So far, six people died during the protests, 81 missing, and thousands have been tortured behind bars […]

Belarusian Solidarity Line in San Francisco

For the second time within the past few weeks, several hundred people have gathered in San Francisco to support Belarusians fighting for their freedom. These peaceful protests are called Solidarity Lines and are held to draw international attention to brutal human rights violations that have been happening in Belarus for the past quarter of a […]