Hostess Sweetennial Tour to roll through Chicago

In celebration of its 100th birthday, or “SweetennialTM,” iconic snack cake company Hostess Brands, LLC has launched a national sampling tour. Over the course of the next two months, the Twinkiemobile – an airstream decked out to resemble the famous treat – will travel across the country spreading fun and sweetness in its wake. Visit […]

Crime Blotter | Arlington Heights, IL

What: Theft Where: 85 W. Algonquin – Double Tree Hotel When: 05/16 2:20pm – 3:20pm Unknown offender(s) broke out the window of the victim’s White 2015 Ford Transit Van and removed a GPS unit and miscellaneous tools. The cost to replace the missing items was estimated at $1300.00. What: Fraud Where: 615 E. Palatine – […]

Guilty Plea: Overland Park Man Had 44,000 Images of Child Porn

May 17, 2019 – An Overland Park man today admitted he collected more than 44,000 images of child porn, some of which were shared with other computer users, U.S. Attorney Stephen McAllister said. Robert A. Weick, 32, Overland Park, Kan., pleaded guilty to one count of distributing child pornography. Weick came under investigation when a […]

Metro East Woman Sentenced for Falsifying Records in Bankruptcy

May 17, 2019 – Dehavalon R. Cook, 46, of Fairview Heights, Illinois, has been sentenced to three years probation for falsifying records in a bankruptcy proceeding, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, Steven D. Weinhoeft, announced today. Cook previously pleaded guilty to the charge on January 29, 2019. Court documents show […]